
Build Your House

In the fourth year the foundation of the house of the Lord was laid… and in the eleventh year… the house was finished…
(1 Kings 6:37-38)
Great works take time. We live in a day of rapid repairs and speedy construction. We have a “Reader’s Digest” mentality. Everything is to be done in microwave speed. We have lost the patients of artistic work and delayed reward. We demand quick service and wonder why we receive shoddy structures. This mentality transfers into every realm of our lives. If the endeavors we seek do not come to fruition immediately, we quit and blame our failure on others. Surely, we muse; I can achieve greatness over night. Surely, I do not have to wait to accomplish my dream. So we cease our endeavor and try another, and another, and another. Before we know it, our lives are spent and there is no more time to build the great dreams of our youth. It took seven years to build Solomon’s temple. You more than likely have at least that amount of time left in your life. It is not too late to build your God given dream. Take your time. Be patient and build the house.