
Gossip by Another Name is Gossip

He who covers a transgression seeks love, but he who repeats a matter separates friends.
(Proverbs 17:9)
To cover a transgression is not to side with a wrong, but it is to keep it from becoming gossip. There are many forms of gossip. We have devised countless reasons to spread it in disguise. We call it sharing a prayer request, or seeking counsel. We take information about others to people who have no authority or ability to help the situation. We bring home negative information and place it upon our spouses knowing that there is nothing they can do about it except bear it as an unnecessary burden. For example, when a man has a conflict with another man, they can go from a nock-down drag-out fight to being best friends the very next day. However, if a husband shares the conflict with his wife, she most likely will take up an offence for her husband and despise his friend for a very long time. Therefore, be careful of what information you take home or tell others. You might separate friends.