
Put God first and Man Will Follow

When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
(Proverbs 16:7)
When we find favor with God, we will likewise find favor with man. The problem arises when we first attempt to find favor with man without first finding favor with God. What are the ways of man that please the Lord? First and foremost is coming to a saving knowledge of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly is like it, walking in obedience to Him. When we have a “Yes Lord” attitude, our ways will please Him. When our ways are pleasing to God, we prosper at whatever we are doing. The world admires success. Even though there may be jealousy, there is likewise admiration. And where there is admiration there will be a level of peace. Therefore, if you are having problems with those who you deem as enemies, seek to please the Lord instead of man and you will find yourself to be at peace with them. Remember, put God first and man will follow.