
The Stone of Help

Samuel took a stone… and called its name Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
(1 Samuel 7:12)
There is a wonderful eighty-five year old homeless lady that frequently shows up at our church. We have on several occasions attempted to help her, but she prefers living on the streets. She is sound of mind and in very good health. She feels that she is more able to reach other homeless people with the gospel of Christ by living on the streets with them. I hate the thought of her sleeping on sidewalks and living on scraps of food. All of her possessions are carried in an old rickety shopping cart. She is always smiling and always kind. Sometimes I think that she may be an angel. For fifty years she lived in an orphanage, working for her keep. She says that she was asked to leave because she was getting to old to help. She has no family and no source of income. Nevertheless she says, thus far the Lord has helped her.