
You and the God Factor

The Angel of the Lord… said to him, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!”
(Judges 6:12)
I love the story of Gideon, especially this one verse. I do not know what the demeanor of the Lord was when he called Gideon, “You mighty man of valor!” Think about where and what Gideon was doing. He was threshing wheat. I do not know much about threshing, but I am fairly sure it helps if you are out of doors where there is a breeze to blow the chaff away. Gideon was indoors, not because it was cold outside, but because he was hiding from the Midianites. He was hiding. And God called him a mighty man of valor. My disposition would have said it with a bit of sarcasm. But God saw something in Gideon that even Gideon did not see. God saw Gideon with Himself. I like to refer to it as Gideon plus the “God factor.” Maybe you are like Gideon, doing a menial task and hiding in the winepress. God is saying to you, “The Lord is with you, you mighty man of valor!” All it takes is you and the “God factor.”