
Ugly Quick-temper

A quick-tempered man acts foolishly, and a man of wicked intentions is hated.
(Proverbs 14:17)
Have you ever been quick-tempered? If you have then you know how foolish you can be when you fail to control your temper. Through an outburst of anger we will say things that are later regretted, act in ways that are shameful and harm things that we love. We do not have to succumb to the emotions of the mind. We do have the ability to quench negative attitudes and prideful retorts. When angered, I do my best not to reply for at least twenty-four hours. I have found that with time unjust anger diminishes and just anger is expressed properly. Unless we desire to act a fool and be hated by others, it is best to get our tempers under control of the Holy Spirit. When you feel the heat of your face rise and the sinews of you stomach tighten know that quick-temper is at your door. Do not let him in. Deal with anger prayerfully, patently and honestly. Why be a hated fool?