
Pronouncing a Blessing

So Joshua blessed them and sent them away, and they went to their tents.
(Joshua 22:6)
How do people depart from your presence? When you send them away, do you send them with a blessing? Maybe a better question is how do we bless others? Do we pronounce some mystical chant over them? Do we repeat a special incantation? Do we bless them by making a sign of a cross? No. We bless others by simply being a blessing. When we impart life and encouragement, we bless them. Whenever others leave our presents better than they came into it, we bless them. When we show appreciation and are thankful, we bless them. Whenever we tell the truth for the purpose of edification, we again, bless them. One of the most beautiful ways we have to bless others especially as they depart is to pray for them