
Checking Your Dirt

The ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience.
(Luke 8:15)
The worst of land can be plowed, nourished, tilled and planted. The rockiest of soils can become good and noble when cultivated by Master’s hand. What kind of soil are you? Are you wayside soil, you hear, and get excited, but someone comes along and snatches away your dream? Are you rocky soil, you hear and hastily make claims of your future harvest, but you have no depth in you and quit before the words fall from your mouth? Or are you thorny soil, easily choked by the things of the world: laziness, gluttony, apathy and the lust of the flesh? The first step to becoming good and noble soil is to know your composition and face your condition honestly. Once this is done find someone who will help you remove the rocks, fertilize the ground and weed your field. Then with patience, begin to produce fruit, always removing the rocks, killing the weeds and nourishing your ground.