
Think about His Thoughts

Your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to You in order… they are more than can be numbered.
(Psalm 40:5)
Whenever we begin to feel sorry for ourselves and think that no one care, we are to consider Psalm forty, verse five. We often can count on one hand the thought we have about the things of God, but God’s thought toward us are innumerable. One of my favorite sayings is, “When Christ was one the cross, you were on His mind.” The very creator of the universe has thought about you and me from the foundation of eternity. His thought toward us are without beginning and will never end. You and I matter very much to the one and only true God. As the old song says, “No one ever cared for me like Jesus. Where is there room for self pity? How can we be depressed when we are so wonderfully loved and thought of? Whenever we feel alone, all we have to do is think about His love and caring thought toward us.