
You May Be Old Enough

My age is nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but vapor.
(Psalm 39:5)
Age is not a factor with God. He can use the youngest of children or the oldest of mankind. God ordained and called Jeremiah from his mother’s womb. Moses and Aaron were in their eighties when God called them. Therefore you are never too young nor too old to be called to serve the Lord. When we compare one year or one hundred years to eternity, each is but a passing shadow. God does not consider our age, and neither should we. The key is to be ready at any age. I did not begin pastoring until I was forty-four years old. Looking back, I was a mere child. At this writing, I am fifty-four and believe that the best of my days are ahead of me. It is never too late to start. No matter what your endeavor, go for it. If your age does not matter to God, then your age does not matter at all. When we compare our age to eternity, we are all but children. A heart that is fixed on the things of God is a youthful heart. Therefore, as a child of the King, the best is yet to come.