
To Whom Are You Subject?

Then He went down with them…and was subject to them…
(Luke 2:51)
I believe that it was at this time, when He was twelve years old, that Jesus began His manhood. This was the beginning of His understanding that He was the Son of God. He knew what He was saying when He said, “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business.” Here we have the Son of God, God the Son choosing to subject Himself to a young woman named Mary and carpenter called Joseph. There is no doubt that He was a very obedient son to them. If the Son of God can subject Himself to those whom He has created, how much more should we be able to subject ourselves to the authorities in our lives? We must therefore obey the scriptures when they say, “Honor your father and mother.” We must likewise subject ourselves to those who have the authority over us, whether in government, business or the church. Christ, as a twelve year old boy gave us this example to follow. Honestly ask yourself this question, “To whom are you subject?”