
There Are New Mountains

The Lord our God spoke to us in Horeb, saying, “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.”
(Deuteronomy 1:6)
Have you noticed that the winning team remains on the field much longer than the losing team? The victor longs to savor the moment of success. To the victor do go the spoils. Nevertheless, the celebration must end and the trophy placed on the shelf. No matter how grand the mountain of victory, there must be other hills to climb. There must be other victories to relish. The past may be a wonderful place to visit, but it is a lousy place to dwell. No matter how sweet the victory of the past, the success of the future must be sought. Are you riding on past victories? Are you displaying old trophies? Are the good old days your best days? If so, “You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.” It is time to climb new peaks. It is time to conquer new hights. It is time to forget those things which are behind and reach forward to those things which are ahead.