
Passive Denial

She looked at him and said, “You also were with Jesus…” But he denied it…
(Mark 14:67-68)
Peter unquestionably was never lukewarm, he was either zealously for Jesus, or he flatly denied Him. We may pride ourselves thinking that we would never deny Jesus like Peter. The reason being is that we likewise would never be as zealous as Peter. Our pendulum does not swing as passionately as Peter’s. We seldom see ourselves as denying Jesus, because we seldom do much proclaiming of Him. Our denials are much more subtle. We simply deny Christ by not proclaiming Him at all. We do not talk about Him or give much indication that we know Him at all. At least Peter was recognized as one of Christ’s desciples. How about you? We do not have to deny what is unknown about us. Therefore, let us not judge Peter’s obvious denial. However, let us judge our own stealthiness. We may not deny Christ openly, let us likewise not deny Him passively.