
What God Has Blessed Cannot Be Cursed

Behold, I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot reverse it.
(Numbers 23:20)
Balaam’s desire was to win the favor of Balak by bringing a curse on Israel. Nevertheless, Balaam had enough wisdom not to speak contrary to the word of the Lord. Therefore, he could not do anything but bless God’s people. It matters not who our foes may be, “If God is for us, who can be against us.” The lesson is two-fold.  You cannot curse whom God is blessing, and you cannot be cursed if God decides to bless you. Balaam hired himself out three times to curse Israel, but each time he failed because God was with His people. So when the “Balaks” of life come your way, remember, if God has blessed you, nothing can remove that blessing. If you belong to Christ, you are blessed and all the “Balaks” in the world cannot reverse His blessing in your life. Therefore, because you are blessed, be a blessing and no curse shall come your way.