
Are You Profitable?

Cast the unprofitable servant into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
(Matthew 25:30)
This keeper of the talent was a servant. There is no doubt. Nevertheless, he was cast out because he was unprofitable. The only difference between him and the other two servants was one thing—obedience. They all knew what the master expected of them. Two did the work and got a return. However, the unprofitable servant was lazy. And laziness is wickedness. With the minutest effort he could have been profitable. He could have at least given his talent to someone who could have gotten a return from it. How about you? Are you sitting on your talents? Are you waiting for a better day to invest your time, abilities and talents? If you are, you are unprofitable. If you are not at least doing the things you know to do, you are unprofitable. If you are disobedient, you are unprofitable. You just may be in danger of being a cast out servant.