
The Top Of The List

These things the Lord hates… A proud look…
(Proverbs 6:16-17)
Of the seven things listed that the Lord hates, the first is “a proud look.” I am convinced that there is always a divine order in the Scriptures. There is either progress or regression. Things are never listed haphazardly. Therefore, when “a proud look” is listed before lying, murder, wickedness, evil deception and sowers of discord, it is to be dealt with first. It was pride that caused Lucifer to be thrown out of heaven. It is always pride that comes before destruction. Note that the Lord hates even the look of pride—that arrogant wagging of the head, rolling of the eyes and smirking of the lips. The reason being is that these are manifestations from the depths of the heart. When these attitudes and the like show themselves, know that they are proud looks and the Lord hates them. They are the firstfruits of pride. When they appear, get to the root of the problem. Deal with your heart. Seek repentance and humble yourself, and God will lift you up.