
God Uses Dreamers

…So they hated him for his dreams and for his words.
(Genesis 37:8)
Other than Joseph, the twelve Patriarchs of Israel accomplished little. Little is known about them and what is known is not very good. God has and always will use dreamers; men like Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, Daniel, Peter, Paul and John. These men, like all dreamers, were hated by their visionless rivals. People without a dream are unhappy people. They are filled with fear and anxieties. Dreamless people are very insecure and judgmental. It is their nature. The dreams of dreamers intimidate and threaten them. They, like Joseph’s brothers, do not want to hear the words of dreamers lest they have to change and leave their comfort zones. God will always use dreamers. Therefore, we are to be dreamers. We are to get a vision from the Lord and share it, and talk it and most of all pursue it. Dare, like Joseph, to be a great dreamer. Dare to believe God and watch your dreams come true.