
We Are In The Super Bowl Of The Universe

Every creature which is in heaven and on the earth... I heard saying, “Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!”
(Revelation 5:13)
How are you with regard to worship and praise? Do you praise anything or anybody more than He who sits on the throne? Do you get more excited at a sporting event than a church event? Some folks act as if being a Christian is the equivalent to being on a losing team. They might as well go to church with a bag over their heads. If you belong to Christ, you are in the super bowl of the universe. It may appear as if the opposing team is winning, but you can be assured that the final score will be a total victory for the church of Jesus Christ. Therefore, get excited about the things of God. If you are not already, become a “Praiser.” Let go and worship God. If it is a matter of embarrassment, I would rather embarrass myself on the earth worshipping Christ than to be embarrassed when I stand before Him in heaven.  Think about this:  what does the official do when a team scores? Do the same when Christ scores a victory in your life.