
Hope In Lamentations

My soul still remembers... this I call to my mind, therefore I have hope.
(Lamentations 3:20-21)
The book of Lamentations is a hard word to me. Quite honestly, it is depressing. Nevertheless, in the midst of its despair is found the faithfulness of God and the hope of mankind. I have to realize that the lamenting of the book was caused by the sin of the people, not the severity of God. Likewise, when we are in the midst of trials and despair it is not God’s fault. God does not arbitrarily punish His creation. When things go wrong in our lives, it is not because God is having a bad day or that He is in a bad mood. We are not to judge God by our fickleness. God is not fickle nor is He fragile. He is a just and loving God. Therefore, when evil comes upon us, the first thing we are to do is ask, “What am I doing wrong?” Even if there is no answer, we can still trust Him. Always remember His faithfulness. Call to mind His goodness. For in the midst of lamentations there is hope.