
A Dose Of Obedience

See, O Lord, that I am in distress; my soul is troubled; my heart is overturned within me, for I have been very rebellious.
(Lamentations 1:20)
The cause of most distress, trouble and heartbreak is rebellion. Basically, we get ourselves into our messes. We create our own problems. We make rash decisions; we act on impulse, we go forward without counsel, and wonder why we are in trouble and stressed. As they say in California, “Duh!” We so often live our lives as if God’s only job is to fix the things we break. The Lord God does fix broken hearts. He cares about our troubles, and He desires to relieve us from our distresses. Nevertheless, He does not want us to continue in our rebellion. Distress, trouble and broken hearts are often God’s way of getting our attention. He, I am sure, would much rather deal with us in our obedience rather than in our rebellion. Are you in a mess? Is your life falling apart? If so, check out your willingness to walk in obedience. You may find that your problems are very fixable. It may just take a dose of obedience.