
Responding To Words Of Emotion

Also do not take to heart everything people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you.
(Ecclesiastes 7:21)
The words of most people flow from a heart of emotion. People say what they feel, not what they know to be true. Therefore the preacher wisely instructs us not to take their words to heart. May I add, do not take them to heart regardless if their words are good or evil? Be slow to respond to emotional words; for when the emotion changes so do the words. Listen for truth not passion. Likewise speak the truth and not words stirred by feelings. Because of mankind’s sin nature, many folks seldom say what they mean and mean what they say. This, of course, should not be the case with believers. we are to do the opposite. Therefore, do not make hasty decisions based on the quick words of others. Especially if they are cursing you. Respond to truthful words not words of emotion and passion. You will save yourself many heartaches and troubles.