
What Is Missing?

By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life.
(Proverbs 22:4)
There are many seemingly hard working people who do not achieve riches, honor or abundant lives. They go through all the motions and talk all the talk, but never gain the brass ring. Why? What is missing? The answer is clearly found in our text, humility and “The fear of the Lord.” Humility is doing instead of talking, giving instead of taking, and serving instead of always wanting to be served. Humility is not so concerned with recognition as it is with duty, honesty and integrity. Humility comes from a right relationship with Christ. Likewise, there must be “The fear of the Lord.” “The fear of the Lord” does not take God for granted. Its main concern is obedience. God is truly first in all aspects of its’ life. To attempt riches, honor and life without it, leads to poverty, disgrace and death. For example, how can riches, honor and an abundant life be obtained if we dauntlessly rob God by not tithing and giving offerings? Where is “The fear of the Lord?” Where is the honor?