
What Will Be Remembered About You?

A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.
(Proverbs 22:1)
Think of history’s greats. Who comes to mind? I think of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, D.L. Moody, Mother Theresa and the like. When I think of these heroes, I think of their character, their accomplishments and their good names. I do not think of their wealth. In fact, none of these ever attained great wealth. The wealthiest was Washington, and he surly is not remembered for his riches. These, like all great men and women, attained their greatness not just because of the things they accomplished, but because of their good names and the favor they found with God and man. Wealth and riches have little to do with these. There have been many infamous who have attained wealth and riches. Therefore, a good name is better and loving favor of more value. Seek these first and the wealth and riches that follow will be a legacy of godly character and true success.