
His Arm Is Not Short

Has the Lord’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not.
(Numbers 11:23)
God is not dead nor is He growing old. We in our carnality grow weary and weak, but God in His holiness never tires nor weakens. He may be silent, but He is never out of control.
We can never take God by surprise. We will never catch Him off guard. Our problems are not out of His reach. We may be attempting to avoid Him, but His arm is not short.
Usually when God seems out of reach it is because we are running from Him, instead of running to Him. Like a loving parent who plays chase with his or her child, He will catch us whenever He desires. Therefore, when trials and problems come, run to Him, not from Him. When God seems distant, check your location. He will be there where you left Him. One sure place we will find Him is with His people in a place He calls His house.
Text For The Day
Numbers 11:23: “Has the Lord’s arm been shortened? Now you shall see whether what I say will happen to you or not.”
Thought For The Day
“A man sits in front of a bad television program and doesn’t know that he is bored; he joins the rat race of commerce, where personal worth is measured in terms of market values, and is not aware of his anxiety. Ulcers speak louder than words. Theologians and philosophers have been saying for a century that God is dead, but what we confront now is the possibility that ‘man is dead,’ transformed into a thing, a producer, a consumer, an idolater of other things.” Erich Fromm, (1900-1980), German-American psychologist and humanistic philosopher, Beyond the Chains of Illusion
Questions To Ponder
Morning Study Guide
Defining:  The NAS translation has it, “Is the Lord’s power limited?” I much prefer the imaginable word picture, “Has the Lord’s arm been shortened?” Can you see it?
Referencing: “Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear,” Isaiah 59:1
Applying: Stay in easy reach of the Lord’s arm, through prayer, His Word, and fellowship with His people.