
God Will Deliver You

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening.
(Acts 16:25)
Paul and Silas were arrested, beaten and thrown into prison, and done so unjustly, for they were Roman citizens. What was their response? They communed with God and praised Him. I do not know about you, but I would have been lamenting and arguing for my release-not so with Paul and Silas. They were living testimonies of the grace of God. I just love this story. Here they are, singing hymns while shackled to a dungeon wall. I do not know if the other prisoners were listening out of amazement or wonder at their faith. Whatever the case, they were influencing these incarcerated men. What would you have been doing? I would hope that I would have done as they. Whenever we trust in the Lord, even in the most of difficult circumstances, He always delivers, and He does so gloriously. The result was that they were released. They won the jailer and his family to Christ, and the received an apology from the Roman officials.