
For Giving Praise

…and four thousand praised the Lord with musical instruments, “Which I made,” said David, “For giving praise.”
(1 Chronicles 23:5)
Forty of the sixty-six books of the Bible make reference to music. The largest book of the Bible, Psalms, is totally dedicated to it. One book is even called a song, The Song of Solomon. It is impossible to ignore the significance God puts on music, especially with regard to worship and praise. Furthermore, the music was loud and magnificent. Its purpose was to glorify God and edify His people. It was to be joyful and meaningful. It is to testify of His mighty works, mercy and great love. It is to be sung not only about Him, but to Him. The music of God’s people is to be both celebratory and worshipful. Praise and worship are to be our expressions of our love and admiration of God. Praise and worship are not options. The last Psalm says, “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. praise the Lord.” Do you praise and worship the Lord? If not why not?