
Dealing With A leaky Roof

A foolish son is the ruin of his father, and the contentions of a wife are a continual dripping.
(Proverbs 19:13)
This Proverb is not the whole counsel of God with regard to family problems. Nevertheless, it may add up to at least half of the problems families experience. Therefore, let's deal with this half. Children (That’s all of us) honor your father and mother-its a commandment. Husbands and wives, see that you honor each other. Parents, train your children and do your best not to provoke them to wrath. If we heed these uncomplicated directions from the Word of the Lord, Proverbs 19:13 will not apply to our homes. God’s desire is that there be no foolishness nor contentions in the home. He has clearly warned us that they lead to ruin. Deal with foolishness swiftly and consistently. Find the root of contention and quickly take it to the Lord. Husbands and fathers, you are the priest’s of your home. Therefore, minister to its occupants; and if your roof leaks, fix it.