
God Knows

And they say, ”How does God know? And is there knowledge in the Most High?”
(Psalm 73:11)
These are the question of the prideful. Some would call them agnostic. To question the knowledge of God is to doubt Him. This is too close to the line of a fool. For the fool has said in his heart, “there is no God.” There is therefore no room in the life of a believer for such a statement. God calls those who make them ungodly. We may not understand how God knows the things that He knows. Nevertheless, it is foolish to doubt that He knows them. If He does not, then He is not. There are many circumstances in life that I do not understand. However, just because I do not understand how or even why does not negate my belief. For example, I do not understand light. Nevertheless I sure believe that it exists. Light’s evidence is overwhelming. Even the blind can feel the heat of the sun. The only one insulted by such a question is the questioner.