
The Turning Point Of Eternity

And He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of the Skull, which is called in Hebrew, Golgotha.
(John 19:17)
Here is the turning point of eternity, Christ Jesus paying the price for the sins of His creation-Golgotha, the place of redemption. The cross of Christ is the center-point of the faith. It was at the cross that Christ demonstrated the love of the Father for man. Romans 5:8 says it so very well, “But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Never lose sight of the fact that God the Father gave His only Son to die in your place. Likewise remember that Christ died willingly for you. When He was on the cross, you were on His mind. Furthermore, there was no glamour in the cross. Golgotha was a horrid place. It was called the Place of the Skull. It was an ugly place. Death by crucifixion was repulsive and hideous, just like our sin is to Christ. The cross is not to be romanticized. It is the emblem of suffering and shame; the price paid for the redemption of man.