
Do Not Be A Rehoboam

But he rejected the advice which the elders had given him, and consulted the young men who had grown up with him…
(1 Kings 12:8)
The foolishness of youth is enhanced by youth. Youth’s peers cannot give wise counsel unless they have received it from another realm. There is a certain amount of wisdom that can be acquired by youth from youth, yet this will be the exception rather than the rule. In our text, Rehoboam, the son of Israel’s wisest king, Solomon, had a choice. He was offered the counsel of his father’s elders-which he foolishly rejected. Instead, he took the advice of his youthful friends. It is so very foolish to get counsel from those who have not been to where you are going. Why not ask the person in the mirror? People who ask counsel of peers are not seeking answers; they are seeking agreement. Do not be a Rehoboam; pursue honest, wise counsel. I have found that wise advice is readily available to those who desire it. You can have wisdom above your years if you seek it there.