
Do Not Be Unwise In Lending

A man devoid of understanding shakes hands in a pledge, and becomes surety for his friend.
(Proverbs 17:18)
The world is often filled with seemingly good intentions. Nevertheless, good intentions do not always bring about good results. There are times when true friends have to say no to the request of a friend. A true friend will love enough to say no to an unwise request. Proverbs also says, “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.” If you perceive, for example, that your friend is about to make a bad investment, and he needs your help to do so, do not do it. Even if he does not understand, if you are a true friend you will refuse to participate in his demise. Herein is genuine friendship. However, if you do choose to become surety (that is cosign) for your friend, you must be willing to release him of it. If you are unable to give the money, do not lend the money. If not, you may lose both your money and your friend. Therefore, do not be void of understanding when it comes to cosigning for a friend.