
His Way Is Perfect

As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust Him.
(2 Samuel 22:31)
I know of no clearer description of the Creator than this, “His way is perfect.” To understand and believe this fact is to know Him. Yet, we so often live our lives as if His way may be perfect for others, but not necessarily for me. Well, His way is perfect and His Word has proven it so. The Bible, God’s Word, has been the most scrutinized document, history and religion of all time, yet without proven contradiction or error. The Word of the Lord has confirmed that His way is perfect. Why would we ignore Him? Why would we discard His Word? How foolish of mankind to judge the Creator of the universe as imperfect and His Word as unproved. For those who understand that His way is perfect and that His Word is proven, to them He has shown Himself faithful. There is to be no doubt that God’s way is not only the best way; it is to be the only way. Any other way leads down the road of destruction. He is the Way and the truth and the life.