
You Are A King

It is an abomination for kings to commit wickedness, for a throne is established by righteousness.
(Proverbs 16:12)
Allow me to paraphrase this verse. “It is an abomination for leaders to commit wickedness, for leadership is established by righteousness.” If you are a child of the King, you are a leader. It is wrong for leaders to lack honor, integrity and honesty. Whether we lead our families, a business, a Sunday school class or any group, we are to do so in righteousness. Righteousness is simply doing things right. If, for example, you lead a household, you are to do so according to your God given authority. Righteous leading is not coercive, rude, nor self-serving. It leads by word and deed. It leads by upholding, not over lording. On the other hand, wickedness is more than deeds. It is the substance of the heart. No matter how we may attempt to act on the outside, if we fail to get the heart of a righteous leader, we will fail. Revelation chapter six says that Jesus Christ has made us kings and priests. Therefore, this proverb applies to you and me.