
From Fear To Honor

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, and before honor comes humility.
(Proverbs 15:33)
If we learn to fear God, we will fear little else. As the proverbs proclaim, “This is the beginning of wisdom.” Godly fear is the source of godly humility; and godly humility brings honor. When we are rightly related to God, our goals are always to his glory. We will desire nothing but to exult Him and bring honor to His name. We will not seek our own will, but His. We will not desire riches and fame for the sake of riches and fame. When we truly fear the Lord, we will automatically humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. Then, and only then, can we receive true honor. When we belong to God, we have a choice, we can humble ourselves or we can be humbled by God. His preference is that we humble ourselves. Nevertheless, He loves us enough to humble us Himself. This He does in order that He may exult us in due time, yet, always to His glory. Fear God. Stay humble. Receive honor from above.