
Cause Joy And Health.

The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and a good report makes the bones healthy.
(Proverbs 15:30)
Learn the art of encouraging sight and sound. That is, learn how to show people the good of life and learn how to speak words of encouragement. This is true edification. If you learn these simple truths, you can daily change lives. For example, maybe a friend is having financial difficulties. Show them the blessings of life: their children, health or anything that is edifying to them. This will rejoice the heart. In the same manner, be quick to give a good report. Even if you have unfavorable news, find some words of encouragement to speak first. I have found it best to give at least two good reports for every one negative report. If, for example, you have to reprimand an employee or subordinate, first find something to complement. Even better, sandwich the unfavorable report between two good ones. They will not only feel better, they will perform better. Give cause to rejoice and bring health to the bones.