
It All Belongs To God

For every beast of the forest is Mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.
(Psalm 50:10)
God is the owner of the universe. He created it, and He created it to last as long as He wants it to last. Nevertheless, man in his arrogance thinks that he is able to destroy what God has created. We are stewards of God’s creation, not the owners. Therefore our husbandry comes with a manufacturer’s handbook. It is called the Bible. The Bible says that mankind is to have dominion, as stewards, over every living thing. We are not to abuse it. We are to care for it as is fitting for the use of man. Animals are not equal to man. Man is created in the image of God, not dog. Not a single right of man is to be replaced by a fabricated right of an animal. When the building of a hospital is stopped to protect an insect, man has greatly perverted God’s order on earth. When the public is more disturbed by cruelty to animals than cruelty to man, the public is mentally disturbed. If you have been duped by this humanistic perversion, repent and seek God’s order on earth.