
My Life Is A Witness

The children of Reuben and the children of Gad call the altar, Witness, “For is a witness between us that the Lord is God.”
(Joshua 22:34)
Is your life a witness for Christ? Do your words glorify Him? Are all your possessions dedicated to the things of God? Not only our words, but our lives and possessions are to be a witness of our relationship to the Lord. If you are a Christian, you have given your life to Christ. This is your testimony. However, what about your words, deeds and possessions? Do they belong to Christ? Have you dedicated your home to God? What about the way you dress, do you dress for the Lord? Consider your vehicle; does your car glorify the Lord? You may ask, “How can my car bring God glory?” Let me give you an example. I personally hate to see a “Christian” type bumper sticker on a dirty junky car. It is a bad witness. How we drive likewise reflects our witness for Christ. Driving to fast in the slow lane or to slow in the fast lane are at best an irritating witness. These things may sound silly. Nevertheless they are a your witness.