
Godly Fame

So the Lord was with Joshua, and his fame spread throughout all the country.
(Joshua 6:27)
Herein is the key to godly fame, “The Lord was with Joshua.” Any fame sought or acquired without the presence of the Lord is a false fame. It is very possible to have great fame with man and be infamous with God. The fame of this world is for the most part short-lived. The fame that God gives is eternal. Yet, the key to gaining this fame is not to strive for it. We are to let God be the one who exalts whom He pleases. Fame is to be a byproduct of obedience. It is not the main commodity. Total obedience to the Lord God will always bring about great and mighty exploits and these will cause fame. It may not always be recognized by man, but it will not be ignored by heaven. Joshua went through the school of hard knocks. He went through the ranks. He was a student of Moses and now the leader of the nation of Israel, and his fame has not subsided in a myriad of millenniums.