
When Trouble Comes

Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble; my eye wastes away with grief, yes, my soul and my body!
(Psalm 31:9)
Have you ever been in trouble? Maybe you are in trouble today. Maybe you have gotten yourself into a real mess. I get myself into trouble all the time. I am forever pushing the envelope with regard to what I can say and do. Adversity seems to be a by-product of attempting to live on the edge of life. Maybe it is your marriage, or your family, or your finances. Even though we are usually the ones who get ourselves into trouble, we can and should call on the God of mercy to get us out of that trouble. When you find yourself sleepless, filled with uncertainty, and fear creeps in, get a hold of the Lord of mercy. The psalmist says that trouble will wear on you in every realm, physically, spiritually and emotionally. When you find yourself in this state, realize that there is no where better to go than to the Lord. Cry out and say, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I am in trouble.”