
Learn To Focus

Let your eyes look straight ahead, and your eyelids look right before you.
(Proverbs 4:25)
God has blessed us with a physical, intellectual and spiritual peripheral vision. Peripheral vision is passive. It is not the focal point or intent of sight. Our peripheral vision prevents us from being blind-sided by life’s surprises. Those who focus only on it however, find themselves filled with anxiety and apprehension. Here, in Proverbs, we are instructed to focus our vision straight ahead. We are not to look to the left or right. Whether driving a car or building a business, focus is essential for reaching your destination and doing so safely. The more we are able to focus on our dreams and goals, the more apt we are to accomplish them. Straight ahead focus must be learned. It is not an automatic trait. If we are able to focus on the small task at hand, we will be able to focus on greater endeavors. For example, if we learn to focus on prayer, and personal devotions, we will more aptly focus on the greater, the Lord Jesus Christ.