
What, Why, And How

The Lord by wisdom...by understanding... by His knowledge...
(Proverbs 3:19-20)
God knows what needs to be done by His magnificent wisdom. He knows why it needs to be done by His perfect understanding, and He knows how to accomplish it by His flawless knowledge. God knows what we truly need by His wisdom. He knows why we need it by His understanding, and He knows how to accomplish it in our lives by His knowledge. Therefore, it takes wisdom, understanding and knowledge to accomplish the will of the Lord in out lives. This is the way of the Lord, and it is to be the way of His people. We are to discern what we want and need through wisdom. By way of understanding we will recognize why. Through knowledge we will know how to achieve it. We must first acquire wisdom; that is knowing what we desire. Then we must attain to understanding; that is grasping why we have the desire. Finally, we need know-how, which is simply knowledge.