
The Responsibility Of Parenting

But his mother said to him, “Let your curse be on me, my son; only obey my voice...
(Genesis 27:13)
The responsibility of parenting is of the highest calling. Whether we like it or not, parents are as gods to their children, especially as infants. We control their eating, sleeping and playing. We formulate their habits, behavior and much of their character. Therefore, what we teach them and how we lead them has great impact on not only their lives but ours as well. Here in our text, Rebekah directed her youngest son Jacob to deceive his father. The consequences were eternal. The curse did fall on her. Immediately she had to fear for the life of her son Jacob. Esau the eldest rebelled against his father Isaac, who in turn sent Jacob away. What we teach and how we train are children has great consequences on them as well as us. We will reap what we sow and often times more than we sow-the good as well as the bad. Parenting is a high calling. Fulfill that calling wisely.