
Thank God For His Mercy

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures for ever.
(Psalm 136:1)
God is good, and He is good all the time. He has always been good, and He will forever continue to be good. His goodness is seen in His mercy. The mercy of God is not clemency. Clemency is the pardoning of an offense without payment. The mercy of God is demonstrated in the sacrificial atonement of the Son of God. God’s judgment says that we deserve death. God’s mercy says that Christ Jesus has paid the price to satisfy God’s judgment. Romans says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” When we begin to understand the mercy of God and that His mercy came at a great cost, we will then to be truly able to give thanks to Him for His goodness. Furthermore, we can see that His mercy, which was manifest through His son, endures for ever.