
The Art Of Hospitality

Be hospitable to one another without grumbling.
(1 Peter 4:9)
It is amazing how much the Bible talks about hospitality. It is required of all the saints and especially deacons and elders. Hospitality is a fading art. There was a time in America that everyone was given to it. Guests were welcome to homes by a front porch. Today there is usually a garage in the front of the house and one has to find the entryway. Doors used to be opened and visitors would simply announce their presence. Today, visitors are greeted by iron gates and security devices. Unfortunately, security is needed today, but so is hospitality. Our homes ought to be joyfully ready to receive guests. Friends and family are to be welcome without invitation. When guests arrive, turn off the television and turn on the hospitality. Always offer at least a seat and even a beverage. I realize that hospitality requires work and preparedness, but that is what it takes to be a good host.