
Find Someone To Mentor

To Timothy, a true son in the faith…
(1 Timothy 1:2)
Few men have had a greater influence on the world than The Great Lion of God, the apostle Paul. However, he personally mentored very few.  There was Barnabas, Silas, Titus, Philemon, and young Timothy. There were also those who forsook his mentoring, such as Hymenaeus and Alexander the coppersmith. The rewards of being a mentor are great as well as heartbreaking. There are those who will change and do great exploits and then there are those who will not change but simply exploit. Nevertheless, what a joy to be able to call another “a true son in the faith.” As a pastor, I have the privilege of preaching and teaching hundreds of people every week. Yet, there are few things as rewarding as personally duplicating yourself in another. Therefore, find someone to influence. Find someone who is searching, looking, and reaching out, and then help them find the way.