
Does Christ Have The Preeminence?

And He is the head of the body, the church… that in all things He may have the preeminence.
(Colossians 118)
A sad fact is that Christ does not have the preeminence in many churches, let alone individual lives. Christian, you must realize that He is the head of the church. The pastor or some board member is not the head of the Church Christ Jesus is. Therefore, give Him the preeminence. This we do through worship and praise. We recognize His authority by heeding His word and receiving instruction in righteousness. Some of us act as if we are to have the preeminence. We have the attitude that my feelings, needs and desires are more important than God’s will for His body, the church. If we give Christ the preeminence there will be no room for selfishness, hurt feelings or contentions. If we can not get this in the church, what makes us think we can accomplish Christ having the preeminence in our everyday lives? He is the head. Recognize His preeminence.