
I Press On

Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on…
(Philippians 3:12)
I love the term, “I press on….” The apostle Paul by many standards had arrived. He was a leader of leaders, a writer of most of the New Testament, and he saw the risen Lord. Yet he said, “I press on….” Paul understood that his life was but a journey, and the journey is all that matters until you reach the throne of God. The problem with many of us is that we think that we have already arrived. Give the average man one victory and he wants to stay there. We must understand that there are many stops on life’s journey, but we are not to get off the train. The platform of success is not a resting place, nor is the platform of failure. Both must be passed through as quickly as possible. These stops are not our destination. They are not the ultimate thing we wish to attain, nor are they the place of perfection. Therefore, “I press on…”