
The Boss Knows

With goodwill doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men.
(Ephessians 6:7)
Whatever your occupation, the ultimate authority is God. You may work for man, but you are employed by the Creator of the universe. Therefore, work in such a way as to please Him, always remembering that no matter how man treats you, or how hard you work, God knows. God knows your effort, dedication, loyalty, even your potential. God knows and God rewards. He advances, demotes and dismisses. God knows the good that you do even when man does not. He sees when no one is looking. We are to work honestly, fairly and thoroughly. We are to work joyfully, knowing that God sees and that we will not be overlooked. It is for this reason that our attitudes at work should be godly and pleasant. Therefore, work wholeheartedly doing service as to the Lord, and not to men. In all that we do, we serve the Lord God.