
If We Do Not Know, It Is Not God’s Fault

Have you not known? Have you not heard? The everlasting God, the Lord, The Creator… Neither faints nor is weary. His understanding is unsearchable.
(Isaiah 40:28)
I am convinced that if we do not hear or know, it is because we do not look or listen. The prophet was speaking rhetorically, as if to say: What do you mean? Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? There is no reason for the believer not to know these elementary things about their God. If you do not know God, it is not God’s fault. If we do not know Him, it is most likely that we are not where He is. He has made the way clear. He calls, saying “Come to Me…” We are to go to Him until we know that He is God, Lord, and Creator. We are to go to Him knowing that He will never wear down because of you, nor faint at your dilemma. We are to go to Him because He understands. Have you not known these things? Have you not heard them?