
The Fruit Of Gentle Persistence

By long forbearance a ruler is persuaded, and a gentle tongue breaks a bone.
(Proverbs 25:15)
Persuasion takes patience, and gentle words greatly influence. It is just that simple. It is just that true. Lives are not changed through impatience nor ideas promoted through coercion. We so often quit after only one attempt. If rejection is the first result, we usually make it the final result. We quit so easily. Most people only ask once, and once is not enough. That is why there are four gospels. That is why Jesus said for us to persistently ask, seek and knock. Tenacity alone will not succeed. Irritating persistence is just that, irritating. Persistence must be accompanied by gentleness. Our words are to be gracious, filled with integrity and concern for the other. If you consistently attempt to persuade people for their well-being, they will eventually see the picture and understand that you have their best interest in mind. Therefore, be kindly persistent.